The India Couture Week (ICW), which commenced on July 25 in New Delhi, set the stage for a dazzling exhibition of fashion and sophistication, running until August 2. Captivating all eyes on the first day, Kiara Advani took the spotlight as the showstopper for renowned designer duo Falguni and Shane Peacock (AFP).
Kiara Advani graced the event wearing an enchanting shimmery pink slit skirt matched with a coordinating blouse from the designer's label collection titled "Renaissance Reverie" (ANI). The outfit boasted a plunging neckline top and a skirt with a high slit, complemented by a long trailing train at the back (ANI).
After the show, Kiara Advani expressed her delight as the showstopper, deeming the outfit perfect and versatile. She praised the designers for their creations' adaptability, as they can be styled to suit one's individual taste, be it in a Western or any other fashion context (ANI).
The talented designers, Falguni and Shane Peacock, unveiled their collection "Renaissance Reverie" on Tuesday. The collection showcased exquisite bridal wear for both men and women, taking inspiration from their love for art and the precious treasures they discover during their journeys (ANI).